Coach Class Comfortable

If you dread sitting in cramped seats on crowded planes.  Here are some tips for making economy class more comfortable.

All of us have spent uncomfortable hours in coach seats on long flights.  But I have found that I can make the journey more pleasant with just a bit of preparation.

No I'm not going to tell you to get up and stretch your legs every hour.  Realistically, you might be able to get up once or twice during a flight - if you're seated on the aisle.  Otherwise, you're more restricted.  It is more difficult to leave your seat without disturbing the other people in your row.  You may not even want to pull your carry-on bag out from under the seat during the flight. It is almost impossible to do without disturbing your seatmates.

That's why I travel with what I call my Seatback Survival Pack.  It fits easily in the pocket of the seat in front of me and contains these helpful items:

Eyeshades and earplugs.  I pack eyeshades that really block out the light and don't press hard against my eyes.  I recommend the shades made by Bucy (  They have an adjustable strap and even a small pocket.  Which is perfect for earplugs, which should be at least NRR 33 rated and can be purchase at almost any drug store.  They buffer airplane noise, the high-pitched screams of children, and conversations my seatmates might be having about their recent adventures.  I also travel with EarPlanes, earplugs that equalize the pressure in my eardrums.  They help ease pain in my ears while landing and during takeoff.

Travel Pillow.  Trust me, you don't want to put an airline pillow next to your face.  That is, if you can get one in coach.  Instead, I use a small inflatable travel pillow.  I purchased mine from Eagle Creek (  Bucky also makes a great pillow, but it is not inflatable, and I found it a bit bulky for packing in my carry on.

Antiseptic Wipes.  I use them to wash my hands before eating.  A bottle of gel would serve the same purpose, but I would have to put that in my 1-quart plastic bag of liquids when going through security.  Packets of wipes don't have to go in that bag.  What's more, I can use wipes to clean off my seatback tray before I use it.

First aid items.  Because I never know when I might need a bandage I go ahead and pack a few.  I also take along any medications that I might need during the flight.

Flashlight.  My overhead reading light might go out, or I might need to find something I dropped on the floor.  In case I encounter these inconveniences, I bring along a tiny flashlight.  I purchased mine from Pelican (  It is tough, lightweight and small.

Paper and pen.  The idea for the next great Blog might come to me while I'm flying, so I always keep a pen and a notebook nearby.  Also, the pen comes in handy when I have to fill out forms during the flight.

Entertainment. Last but not least, I carry an Apple 16GB iPod nano and a good pair of earbuds. My choice of earbuds came from Etymotic (  They fit cleanly inside the ear canal and are good at blocking outside noise.  I find them more effective than noise canceling earphones, plus they're far smaller and lighter. And I always carry a good paperback book
All of these items fit in a one-gallon plastic freezer bag.  I buy bottles of water after I have gone through security and, if it is a long flight with not meal service, some easily portable food.

My strategy does not give me more legroom or a softer seat, but it adds considerably to my comfort in the air.

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